Malaysia Smile | Damon Braces Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara
Damon Braces, Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara
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Damon Braces @ Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara


04 Sep Damon Braces @ Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara

Damon Braces @ Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara

Orthodontics isn’t just for teenagers with crooked teeth. People of almost any age can benefit from orthodontics.

Among those benefits are increased confidence, a straighter smile and relief from pain jaw misalignment.

Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara are using Damon System for braces.

The Damon system eliminates the need for traditional mechanics that may require more frequent tooth extractions. Damon passive self-ligating brackets allow freedom of movement and thus faster results with gentler forces. More Free, Quick, & Comfortable.

Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, which allows teeth to move more freely, quickly and comfortably.

Damon Braces Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara

At Tey & Khaw Dental Clinic, Kota Damansara, we’re committed to making Orthodontic treatment accessible to everyone who requires it. Our team will work with you to find a payment plan that meets your needs.

Tey & Khaw damon-braces

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